Biography and other info for Mikki Le Moine

If you would like to schedule me for your event, please contact me on the CONTACT page.  If you have not attended one of my performances before, I am available to visit you to introduce myself and play a few songs for you. 

Audiences like my "quiet touch" in the arrangements of BACKGROUND music for their various venues and events.  On the other hand, CONCERTS are more dynamic,  because I sing many of the songs on the show roster and people sing along with me, which I love!

I was actively performing  for about 50 years as an actor, singer and dancer.  When I auditioned for musicals, I prepared my one or two audition songs, and I also learned all the music in the show, in case the director asked me to perform another number (which happened frequently. All that music and other songs I have collected have been traveling around with me since the 1970s.  Now, in preparation for my performances and programs, I dig into my archives and pull out some really interesting, beautiful, melodies for my audiences.


Member Since 1999